10 Kasım 2015 Salı

Exercise 7 Answers

Exercise 7 Answers

1.Energy conservation has become extremely important because millions of energy-consuming devices are in use every day.--->Complex

2.When builders construct new homes,they should install solar panels and other passive solar devices and as many energy-saving appliances as possible.--->Complex

3.Although energy-efficient appliances cost more,their use results in long-term savings for the owner,and the environment benefits,too.--->Compound-Complex

4.Because legislators have enacted certain laws,all new cars must be energy efficient.--->Complex

5.When cars use less gas,the air is cleaner,and people may have less trouble breathing.--->Compound-Complex

6.Though sulfur pollition is a threat to human health,it also damages lakes,wildlife and buildings.--->Complex

7.Although water power can generate electricity,hydroelectric dams may cause floods on farmlands,in forests,and in wildlife areas.--->Complex

8.We must always find ways of producing more goods,but at the same time we must reduce the amount of energy that we consume in producing those goods.--->Compound-Complex

9.Conservation and solar power are the keys to a safe future,so we must cautiously use the devices that cool,heat,and transport us.--->Complex

10.Because our natural resources clearly cannot last forever,we must find better ways of conserving them.--->Complex

26 Ekim 2015 Pazartesi


                                                "Imagine" by Emel Nur Er

Imagine there's no school,
It's easy if you believe.
No burden below us,
Above us only fun.
Imagine all the students,
Living the moment.

Imagine there's no homework,
It isn't hard to dream.
Nothing to stay up or cry for,
And no grades too.
Imagine all the students,
Having fun everyday.

You may say I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us,
And the students will be free.

Imagine no examination,
I wonder if you can
No need for crying or whining,
A happiness of the students.
Imagine all the students,
Singing songs 'til midnight.

You may say I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us,
And the students will be free.

Original Version