23 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi



If I was a jury member of the committee choosing the person of the year, my candidate would be Aziz Sancar. I would like him to be the person of the year because of his contributions both to his country and humanity. This year he was given the Nobel Prize in chemistry and he is the first person from Turkey to receive the Nobel Prize in chemistry branch. I believe that the person of the year should be someone who does useful things for his/her country, be a role model for the younger generation and s/he should prove that everything is possible. I believe that this person is Aziz Sancar. When Aziz Sancar was interviewed by the journalists after receiving the prize, he said that his family was really poor but his parents cared about education and Sancar’s future. As he had 8 siblings, his family was having hard times to catch up with their expenses and it was a really hard time for Sancar, too. Also at that times conditions were harder than now and few people cared about education in small villages. Despite all these difficulties, he worked real hard and got accepted to the medicine in Istanbul University. He was accepted to the American National Studies Academy later. Even though he was a citizen of the United States of America, he never forgot where he came from and his roots. He worked on his projects to be successful his area and make contributions to humanity. Now, Aziz Sancar is studying on a project which aims to illuminate the DNA renovation mechanism and if he succeeds, he may find the cure to cancer. Regarding the increase rate in cancer recently, at this point his studies are so important for the humankind. All in all, I think that the person of the year should be Aziz Sancar. He really is an idol for the young people who doesn’t have the confidence. He is a real scientist working for the good of humanity and most importantly by receiving the Nobel Prize he also made contributions to his country and Turkey’s name was heard.

1 yorum:

  1. Emel,
    I enjoyed reading your task, which is very similar to mine. There are some points that I like to talk about. Firstly, I didn't see any mistake in your paragraph. I think it is really well-prepared in terms of language using. Secondly, you have expressed your ideas well. You mostly say the important things about Aziz Sancar. They were good but I think you should add your own ideas to your reflection. Finally, there I didn't see a mistake in terms of organization.Maybe you chould have explained why you are writing this reflection better. You could be more attentive about the topic. Also, you could have been more careful about your majors and minors. I think your task is really good, but if you pay attentions to these points, it will be better. Thank you for writing it.
